Good Morning, good morning people settle down. Alright first ups quick links below about the battle what happened, who was there, why it happened. Videos below that and if your a new bro your probably looking for this Eve Online Subscriptions and Specials. - Battle for 6VDT-H - Summary and Numbers
EveNews24 - 6VDT-H – The Biggest Battle in EVE History Ends the War in Fountain - 6VDT: The CFC Battle Report
Video Links: First video is the best, the others are pretty much raw footage.
EVE Online - Largest battle ever in 6VDT - 4000+ players
6VDT-H Titan kill
Deployment Successful Day 011: 6VDT-H HELL CAMP; RAW and LIVE RECORDED FOOTAGE SHORTER | Eve Online
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacations. I know I am. I will probably be back in a couple weeks I have been working with video capture software and hope to get a youtube channel rolling here before to long. Anyway stay out of trouble and fly safe out there.
Pearl Abyss Q3 Earnings Call
2 weeks ago
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