July 30, 2013

6VDT, Battle Report Links. You heard about Eve from who, the news?

Good Morning, good morning people settle down. Alright first ups quick links below about the battle what happened, who was there, why it happened. Videos below that and if your a new bro your probably looking for this Eve Online Subscriptions and Specials.

Eveonline.com - Battle for 6VDT-H - Summary and Numbers
EveNews24 - 6VDT-H – The Biggest Battle in EVE History Ends the War in Fountain
Mittani.com - 6VDT: The CFC Battle Report

Video Links: First video is the best, the others are pretty much raw footage.

EVE Online - Largest battle ever in 6VDT - 4000+ players

6VDT-H Titan kill

Deployment Successful Day 011: 6VDT-H HELL CAMP; RAW and LIVE RECORDED FOOTAGE SHORTER | Eve Online

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer vacations. I know I am. I will probably be back in a couple weeks I have been working with video capture software and hope to get a youtube channel rolling here before to long. Anyway stay out of trouble and fly safe out there.


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